
即将展出 | 北京公社即将推出葛宇路个展“葛宇路”

Beijing Commune 北京公社 2021-09-26

即将展出 Upcoming

葛宇路  Ge Yulu
展期 Duration - 2020.5.22 - 2020.7.4
开幕 Opening - 2020.5.22 4-6 pm



Beijing Commune is proud to annouce the opening of the first solo exhibition of artist Ge Yulu, "Ge Yulu", on May 22, 2020. The exhibition will run until July 4, 2020. 

Ge Yulu (b. 1990, Wuhan) graduated from the Media Art Department of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in 2013, and received a M.F.A. from the Experimental Art Department at Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018. He now lives and works on the outskirts of Beijing. Ge Yulu’s interests lie in the observations of public space and public life in urban settings. Through his art, Ge Yulu strives to mock up the hidden paradox in life and resolve the immanent authoritative institutions while creating new dynamic relationships. His recent group exhibitions include “Aichi Triennale 2019 - Taming Y/Our Passion”, Nagoya, Japan (2019); the 1st Borderless Art Season, Fei Art Museum, Guangzhou, China (2018); “Altering Home”, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan (2018); “the Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China”, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China (2018); “Stress Field: the 4th Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts”, Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, China (2017);  “CAFAM Biennial: Negotiating Space”, CAFA Museum, Beijing, China (2017), and etc. He was nominated for Art 8 Prize Youth Finalist Award and the 13th AAC Art China Young Artist Finalist Award in 2019.

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Facebook: beijingcommune

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